The GFANZ Constitution defines the purposes of the society, the membership category, and the obligations of members:

5.0​ ​Purposes​ ​of​ ​Society
    5.1​ ​The​ ​Society’s​ ​objects​ ​are:
        1. To​ ​promote,​ ​research,​ ​develop,​ ​and​ ​apply​ ​genomics​ ​for​ ​the​ ​benefit​ ​of​ ​all​ ​society;
        2. To​ ​promote​ ​and​ ​support​ ​Te​ ​Ao​ ​Māori​ ​and​ ​ Te​ ​Tiriti o Waitangi​ ​as​ ​innate​ ​to​ ​New Zealand​ ​genomics;
        3. To​ ​promote​ ​and​ ​support​ ​collaboration​ ​on​ ​genomics​ ​within​ ​New​ ​Zealand​ ​and internationally,​ ​cognisant​ ​of​ ​the​ ​61/295​ ​United​ ​Nations​ ​Declaration​ ​on​ ​the​ ​Rights​ ​of Indigenous Peoples;
        4. To​ ​promote​ ​and​ ​support​ ​education​ ​and​ ​public​ ​engagement​ ​in​ ​the​ ​field​ ​of​ ​genomics;
        5. To​ ​provide​ ​guidance​ ​to​ ​stakeholders​ ​in​ ​regards​ ​to​ ​genomics.
    5.2​ ​Pecuniary​ ​gain​ ​is​ ​not​ ​a​ ​purpose​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Society.
17.2​ ​Individual​ ​Members
    17.2.1 Any natural person may apply for Individual membership under their own name.
21.0​ ​Obligations​ ​of​ ​Members
    21.1 All Members shall promote the purposes of the Society and shall do nothing to bring the Society​ ​into​ ​disrepute.